The Walloon city of Louvière now checks parking fees with the Scan car solution of Sigmax and SCANaCAR. By using Scan car, the licence plates of parked cars are scanned while driving and checked by Sigmax CityControl. The choice for the Sigmax/SCANaCAR Scan car solution leads to a more efficient parking enforcement process for La Louvière. This results in an expected increased quality of life in the city and an increased willingness to pay. Within this project Sigmax cooperates with SCANaCar, a product from Abstract Computing International BV (ACI).
Accurate checking of time-based parking fees
Q-Park City Parking is responsible for parking enforcement in La Louvière. Checking the vehicles is done in six defined zones, both in the paid parking zone as the blue zone. The Scan car can check the use of parking disks within the blue zone in an efficient and reliable way. From a recording of a vehicle by the Scan car, a file with licence plate, GPS position and time stamp is sent in real-time from the Scan car to the CityControl back office. Within this digital environment, it is automatically verified whether a vehicle has a valid parking right, both for the parking fees issued by parking machines, SMS parking and parking permits as for the blue zone.
Non-disruptive within the street image
The Sigmax/SCANaCAR Scan car solution is available both in the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland as the United Kingdom and can be configured as desired. Knowingly or unobtrusively enforcement on parking, possibly also via a ScanScooter and/or ScanBike. The Scan car drives unobtrusively through La Louvière and looks like a normal car.
“City Parking chooses this solution for a more frequent check-up, so the city expects a higher willingness to pay”, says Didier Panneels, Manager on Street at Q-Park. “Because the Scan car can very accurately check the position of vehicles, it is also expected that the number of errors and unnecessary long-term parking will be reduced. Based on positive results from a previous trial with this Scan car in Doornik, it will improve the quality of life and the shopping environment.”
With the Scan car, municipal authorities opt for a total solution for data-driven licence plate parking. CityControl provides insight into the effectiveness of policy, thanks to links within the solution to several systems. Extensive management reports based on Scan car information can also be created. Panneels: “La Louvière will guide motorist better in terms of mobility by making them aware of available parking places and diversions in more active and innovative ways.”